Igniting Wellness in Every Firefighter.
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Get the NewsletterReturn to Work Forms Are Not Just for Physical Injuries Anymore
How do firefighters fill out a typical “return to work” form if they have suffered a mental health injury? Glynn Novak takes a closer look.
7 min read
Multiple Calls: Stephanie White
Host Scott Hewlett talks with Stephanie White about the nuanced and often unspoken issue of suicide among firefighters and emergency service workers.
1 min read
Training Load Periodization: Acute:Chronic Workload Ratio
Alan Russell examines the relationship between fitness and fatigue, and considerations when it comes to balancing physical training loads.
7 min read
Call Me a Fireman
Lex Shady weighs in on the use of the word “fireman” and its meaning for women and the fire service at large.
6 min read
Building Trust: Ethical Leadership and Accountability in the Fire Service
Fire service leadership demands operational proficiency and an unwavering commitment to ethical principles.
12 min read
Burning Bridges: How Invalid Promotions Erode Morale and Integrity in the Fire Service
When promotions are not based on merit, it can lead to all kinds of distortions in a fire department, says Jamie Jent.
9 min read
Good Intentions Don’t Win Battles
Mike Norris delves into how military concepts can be applied to firefighters’ decision-making processes to help simplify the chaos of the fireground.
11 min read
Firefighters and Mental Health: The Fear of Raising Your Hand
Asking for help with your mental health is one of the hardest things you’ll ever do. Good thing firefighters are pros at doing hard things.
9 min read
Set Standards, Not Goals: Physical Fitness Standards for the American Fire Service
The fire service needs to move beyond individual fitness goals and adopt clear physical fitness standards that apply to all firefighters.
12 min read
Los Angeles County Firefighter Limps Back to Firehouse After Crash
Los Angeles County firefighters were called to a crash in Willowbrook, where they rescued a driver trapped in a vehicle following a collision with a…
Johnson County (MO) Fire Captain Dies After Collapsing at Fire
Johnson County Fire Protection District Captain Vernon Collett died in the line of duty while battling a natural cover fire.
What’s Your Gear Setup? Jake Sobieski
Bladensburg (MD) Volunteer Fire Department Lieutenant Jake Sobieski takes us through his gear: What works, what he carries on every call, and why.
1 min read
Off the Cuff: Do Something
Dealing with “exhaustion culture” at your fire department? Stephanie White has a suggestion about where to start.
4 min read
And by ‘Normal’ You Mean What?
Firefighters can become inured to the horrors they witness on the job, and may inadvertently bring some of that trauma home to their families.
5 min read
The 85 Percent: Training and Community Insights
Host Mark Haugh welcomes guest John Buckman III, a fire service veteran with over 55 years of experience.
1 min read
Toilet Paper Roll Call
Are you sick of seeing empty toilet paper rolls in the firehouse? Pick what kind of firefighter you want to be, writes Glynn Novak.
6 min read
Mental Health Monthly: Navigating Retirement
Host Dan Degryse talks with Mike Allora about the complexities of transitioning into retirement for those in the fire service.
1 min read
‘It Takes a Toll’: New York’s First Responders Plagued by Anxiety, Depression, PTSD
Many of the New Yorkers who’ve dedicated their careers to saving their neighbors’ lives have at one point considered taking their own.
9 min read
Man Charged With Assaulting Two NJ Firefighters Who Came to His Aid
A 25-year-old man has been charged with attacking two Paterson firefighters who were providing aid to him when he had trouble breathing.
2 min read
ME Bill to Find and Destroy Toxic Firefighting Gains Momentum
A Maine legislative committee unanimously endorsed two proposals Wednesday that would catalog, collect, and destroy the state’s unwanted stockpile of toxic firefighting foam.
5 min read
Tailboard Misfits: Josh Burchick
Host John Velez talks with Josh Burchick about the critical role that physical fitness and mental resilience play during high-stress situations.
4 min read
Las Vegas Firefighters Have New Labor Deal. Here’s What’s in It
The city of Las Vegas reached a collective bargaining agreement with the union that represents fire department employees.
3 min read
Virginia Beach (VA) Fire and EMS Pay Lags Behind Other Cities, Study Says
Firefighters and emergency medical services personnel in Virginia Beach are bringing home less money than their counterparts in comparable localities.
4 min read
Town Reverses Course: Glens Falls (NY) Firefighter with Alzheimer’s Receives Pension
Glens Falls leaders have reversed course and awarded Fire Lieutenant Doug Holl a full pension.
1 min read
Public Pressure Growing to Pay Glens Falls (NY) Firefighter’s Pension
A groundswell of public support has emerged for Glens Falls Fire Lieutenant Doug Holl, who was denied full retirement benefits after being diagnosed with early-onset…
1 min read
Glens Falls (NY) Shoots Down Pension for Firefighter Suffering Early-Onset Alzheimer’s
Glens Falls Fire Lieutenant Doug Holl, in his mid-50s, was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s over a year ago.
1 min read
FDNY Bans Bosses From Dating Underlings After Harassment Scandals
The FDNY has a issued a new policy barring department supervisors from engaging in romantic relationships with underlings.
2 min read
OH Fire Chief Suspended: Records Reveal Allegations
The chief of the Miami Township Fire Department is suspended amid an investigation into alleged misconduct including mishandling of payroll, according to the Dayton Daily News.
4 min read
‘A Really Great, Rewarding Career’: Mountain View (CO) Fire Rescue Chief to Retire in April
Dave Beebe joined MVFR in 2005 and worked in a number of positions before becoming the assistant chief of operations and then fire chief.
4 min read
Firefighters Follow Vacant, ‘Code X’ Building Protocols to Contain West Baltimore (MD) Fire
Baltimore firefighters called to contain a large fire in the 2200 block of North Fulton Avenue early Friday morning closely followed a policy for personnel entering unoccupied dwellings that was instituted…
4 min read
New Firefighting Course Planned for Winona (MN) Senior High School Students
Winona Senior High School students will soon have a new way to explore and potentially pursue a career in firefighting.
5 min read